In my artistic research, I use a critical and analytical approach to investigate how different symbolic and emotional experiences deepen the study of human cognition. I am interested in studying behavioural concepts from an anthropological, historical and sociological perspective, which allow us to pinpoint the origins of our thoughts – from the moment they are perceived from our senses, to the way our mind interprets and transforms them into behaviours, beliefs and feelings.
Dreams, nightmares, illusions and hallucinations are all part of our collective imagination, which are affected by cultural and social biases in our attempt of explaining them. Concepts such as the magical, the mystical, the mysterious all have a scientific and historical basis that I try to deconstruct/reconstruct through art. I visually materialize certain intangible concepts, in order to recreate an understanding of the abovementioned emotional and cultural phenomena. To achieve this, I analyze experiences based on shared testimonies, with the aim of combining both objective and subjective perspectives. By doing so, my objective is to create a new visual panorama, which will enable me to delve into the understanding of common but little-known phenomena and give them visibility through my art.
My artistic works are always based on artistic practice and research that are depicted/expressed by using the medium of photography. In recent years, I have also relied on different media types such as installations, videos, or state-of-the-art experimental techniques that allow us to directly experience the analyzed perceptions.

INCUBUS: Between Sleep and Wakefulness
Sete Cidades
Testimony Analysis
Ishihara Test
Wake Up
I Never saw another butterfly
Neurona Sarea
Dreaming or not?
Through the senses
Hallucinations (Part 3)
Hallucinations (Part 2)
Hallucinations (Part 1)
Social Neuro Activity
Symbolical Head
Planned obsolescence
Memories and inspiration appear traveling between cultures, walking the streets, meeting the local people and getting lost in hidden corners. For this reason, beyond my artistic research projects, I travel around the world with my camera under my arm opening new horizons. Would you like to see these journeys? Click here!